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ProdensaFeb 12, 2021 1:58:00 PM3 min read

The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

In today’s challenging times, the needs of the less favored people certainly increase. As a paradox, the private sector’s efforts to lend a hand tend to diminish since companies are thriving to ensure their own business continuity.  

However, the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSRs) is high because it creates a positive effect in the short and middle terms, especially in the enhancement of the social tissue that in the long term will impact in day-to-day operations such as personnel engagement with the company, but also in more systemic issues such as less crime in our own community.  

On the other hand, Mexico has signed important treaties in labor matters such as the Annex 23-A of the USMCA. There is a commitment that Mexican companies put in practice policies and procedures against labor discrimination to foster a safer, balanced, and healthier labor environment. 

That is why it is paramount that the private sector understands the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and sustain efforts in their CSR strategies. It is not only to retribute a little bit to the society where we live but also to contribute to reinforcing a virtuous circle that will have a positive impact on many people’s lives in the long term. 

At Grupo Prodensa, we have a mandate of social responsibility as part of our “Prodensa Way,” which combines our philosophy, knowledge, and passion for execution.  

As a reflection, we have an active array of activities in CSR.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities at Prodensa

Direct support to benefit and charitable organizations. Ranging from children and elderly foster homes, food banks, and animal protection NGOs.  

For instance, last year, our associates decided that the budget initially reserved for the Christmas celebrations were instead invested in supporting local charities in need of the COVID crisis. 

We have supported for more than ten years to elementary schools, in which Prodensa associates perform workshops with children on human development subjects such as emotional intelligence. Also, we have organized tours with junior high students to our clients’ industrial facilities in which we show how it is like to work in an industrial environment, so girls and boys can create interest to keep studying and have broader life opportunities. 

We encourage our clients to donate goods and products useful to the local communities, such as personal protection equipment for COVID protection, hospitals, and benefit institutions. 

Prodensa’s management team is committed to actively collaborate with industry associations such as INDEX (Mexico’s largest export manufacturing industry association) nationwide and in every region in which we have operations. We participate in several committees such as Human Resources, social responsibility, and institutional relations. These committees do have in high impact on social institutions such as the Teleton Foundation (support for handicapped and children with cancer), Mexican Army (support to disabled soldiers wound in service), and the center of training and entrepreneurial talent (support to people with motor disabilities).  

Participation in forums, webinars, and workshops at a national scale with the objective to raise consciousness on the compliance of rules and regulations of labor inclusion and gender equality, as well as to highlight the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility programs. 

Finally, but no less important, our Public Relations area maintains a digital presence in social networks, bringing to the table relevant themes pertaining to the importance of corporate social responsibility and its impact on the communities we live and work.  

We are confident that the impact of our contributions, although are a water drop in the sea of needs of our Mexico, contributes to form a virtuous circle and bring us closer to our vision of a more inclusive and fairer world. 
