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Market Entry & Advisory

Navigate market challenges with the help of Prodensa's material experts.

Implement Site Strategy

Identifying the optimal site and production network strategy in Mexico.

Turnkey Operations Models

Leverage our 39+ years of experience and partner with us on your Mexico project.

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Doing Business in Mexico
Our 5-step methodology to launch or expand your operations in Mexico, and thrive in a booming market.


The world’s leading manufacturer of mining and construction equipment

The world’s leading manufacturer of mining and construction equipment

Creating a more efficient and low cost production facilities for specific parts that required a skilled labor force of engineers.

With our support in Construction Management, the company built in Mexico a new facility to house both corporate offices and production assembly lines. This led to a better competitive production advantage over similar plants in China.

The plant now has over 350 employees and it is a beacon of what the Project Management capabilities of our Prodensa team can deliver to our clients.



This California manufacturer of thermal insulation products needed to get a new production line up and running fast to meet a new contract deadline.

The Baja California region in Mexico gave them quick access by car and a sustainable workforce for their 90+ person cut & sew operation.


  • Relatively low budget for design, implementation and marketing
  • 8-week time constraint for the whole project
  • Website must match existing digital corporate identity
  • Website should be deeply integrated into the HubSpot solution
  • Design & development from scratch is not feasible
  • Customer would like to be able to edit content and structure
  • Website must be implemented in three languages
  • Webdesign must match modern design standards


Coming off an unfavorable experience with a contract manufacturer, our client prioritized the protection of their intellectual property. After analyzing different operational models to start up their project with Prodensa, our client chose the Inshoring Model. This provided them with a streamlined start up process with the application of proven best practices earned by Prodensa over nearly 40 years.

Inshoring provided our client a domestic manufacturing solution with risk-free access to the cost-benefits that Mexico provided for their manufacturing operation. 

They scaled up fast, and reached the first phase of planned capacity within 6 months of beneficial building occupancy.

The Inshoring Model provided our client protection to their cash flow during the crucial ramp-up phase while allowing them to meet new contractual demands in the most agile way.

"When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you are looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you are beginning to see the Earth evolve."
Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17


Get in contact with our team to discuss expansion solutions.